
残障人士事务委员会于每月第二个星期四下午五点半在城市规划师会议室开会, 在市政厅一楼.  The seven member commission serves as a clearinghouse for information and provides publications to the public designed to promote disability awareness; monitors and ensures compliance, enforcement and implementation of existing state and federal statutes intended to aid persons with disabilities; acts as an advocate and coordinator to bring about new and expanded programs and services for persons with disabilities; performs accessibility audits of public buildings; and reviews complaints from the public regarding accessibility issues.  我们鼓励委员会成员熟悉《赌博平台》和有关残疾人无障碍的法律.  我们鼓励有兴趣的市民出席会议,进一步了解残疾人士事务委员会.

人权咨询委员会在每个月的第一个星期三下午6点在城市经理会议室开会, 市政厅顶楼.  由九名成员组成的咨询委员会决定条件, 赌博平台市在人权方面的需要和问题, 并就此进行审查,并向城市经理和/或人权主任提出建议.  顾问委员会监督美瑞敦市以及整个社区的行动.  我们鼓励有兴趣的市民出席会议,以进一步了解人权咨询委员会.